Strawberry Christmas Tree
I wanted to share this great idea again for a Christmas centerpiece that’s even more delicious than it is beautiful—an edible Christmas tree! Every year friends and family look forward to this beautiful and sumptuous decoration. Read on to learn how to create your very own. There’s a video at the end that brings it all together.
Items needed:
- Crock pot for melting chocolate
- Florida Strawberries
- Melting chocolate – white or milk chocolate
- Toothpicks with which to dip the berries in chocolate
- Leaf lettuce to cover cone
- Styrofoam cone size of your choice
- Parchment paper to cool and set the berries on to set chocolate to prevent sticking and make clean-up easier.
Wash and dry strawberries and place a toothpick in each strawberry.
Dip the strawberries in chocolate and place each strawberry on parchment paper until chocolate is set and hardened.
Cover the Styrofoam cone with green leaf lettuce using toothpicks to hold in place. This makes the presentation much nicer after berries are removed from the cone.
Secure the dipped berries on the cone with a toothpick. Start at the base of the cone and work your way up and around the cone. Continue until the entire cone is covered with berries. Add the final berry at the peak of the cone.
Want to take your entertaining up a notch? It’s so easy and you’ll save a lot of money too! Check out the video below for a step-by-step guide to making this edible Christmas tree with a special bonus of easy-to-make chocolate tuxedo strawberries!
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[…] as well as the Florida Strawberry season. Create a festive holiday dessert spread with a Strawberry Christmas Tree, Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Reindeer, and these delectable Strawberry […]
The video didn’t show how to make the tree. Plus should the tree be refrigerated until serving? Can it sit out? How far in advance can it be made? Lots of questions, vague information.
The video didn’t show how to make the tree. Plus should the tree be refrigerated until serving? Can it sit out? How far in advance can it be made? Lots of questions, vague information.