Scholarship Application 2024-06-04T15:20:24-04:00

2024-2025 Scholarship Application

Please consider the following items below before you apply:

1. To be eligible you must be a high school senior, technical school student, or a college student during the 2024-2025 school year.* If you are graduating high school this year (i.e. Spring 2025), you must submit a letter of confirmation of applying or intent to attend college or a technical school.

2. Completed online applications must be submitted by September 13, 2024.

3. Please read the entire application before submitting your response to avoid an incomplete and/or late submission.

*Scholarship applicants may receive a maximum of two FSREF scholarships (*or combination of ambassador nomination and FSREF scholarship award) throughout the time they are eligible to receive the award(s).

To access a downloadable version of the Scholarship Application, please click here. (*Paper applications must be postmarked by September 6, 2024.)

All incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.