Chocolate Strawberry Ghosts and Pumpkins
This Halloween night add a little strawberry fright! Chocolate strawberry pumpkins and ghosts will delight!
These are two treats that are easy to make and you can invite the kids or grandkids in on the fun. All you really need are two ingredients – chocolate and fresh Florida strawberries. The bigger the strawberries, the better!
Chocolate Strawberry Ghosts and Pumpkins
- Small Crock pot for melting chocolate
- Orange and white melting wafers
- Chocolate melting wafers or chocolate chips
- Mini chocolate chips
- Fresh Florida Strawberries washed and dried leaving the green tops on them ( make sure they are dry or the chocolate will not stick)
- Toothpicks
- Parchment paper or foil
Insert toothpicks in the top of each berry.
Melt the chocolate or melting wafers
Dip berries in the white for ghost and orange for pumpkins.
Place on the parchment paper to dry chocolate
Place mini chocolate chips for eyes and mouth of the ghost while chocolate is still soft.
Use a toothpick dipped in the melted chocolate for drawing the eyes and mouth on the pumpkins.
Sooooooo cute and a healthy treat!
Emily Longanecker…this is how you shouldve dipped strawberries at work..
One of the things I miss about my birth State.
One of the things I miss about my birth State.