As we wrap up another hugely successful Florida winter strawberry season, we want to make sure that this delicious, nutritious and versatile berry is always on your mind – even when it’s not in the fields.
There are many ways to enjoy winter berries through the spring and summer months. Just think strawberry frozen drinks and lemonade! Or, the jellies and jams we discussed in our last newsletter. The frozen and home-canned berries will help you survive the few short months before we again harvest America’s favorite fruit!
Our strawberry growers are already planning for next season’s crop and doing everything possible to improve their product for consumers. Did you know that since its inception, the Florida Strawberry Growers Association has contributed millions of dollars to strawberry research? Our commitment to research and our affiliations with other educational, agricultural and economic committees ensures the future success of Florida-grown strawberries and the farmers who grow them.

Rebecca Gordon of Buttermilk Lipstick
The research and introduction of new berry varieties helps distinguish Florida’s crop from others and has earned us international recognition.
Speaking of recognition, we got plenty of air time and press for our photogenic and aromatic strawberries in various venues. One food blogger was kind enough to share her experience with Florida winter strawberries in this newsletter. Her creation looks fabulous. Thanks, Rebecca Gordon!
We’d love to hear from anyone else who used Florida strawberries this season. If you planned ahead, you may have a stash of the sweet stuff in the freezer or in the jam jar.
Florida strawberries are always a hot topic with us. We hope you’ll keep this special sweet treat top of mind this spring and summer.
Oh and don’t forget, scholarship and FSGA Ambassador applications are now available. The Florida Strawberry Growers Association has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships since 1983. Get all the details on that right here. Applications must be postmarked and completed by September 1st so don’t delay!
Until next season,
Strawberry Sue
Sue Harrell on behalf of the Florida Strawberry Growers Association