Wouldn’t it be great if you could get fresh Florida strawberries delivered to your inbox everyday? Yeah we think so too, but until we score a deal with Postal Service, we’ve got the next best thing.
Did you know that you can subscribe to the Strawberry Sue blog and if so are you already subscribed? If not, let me tell you all the reasons why you should! What’s so great about blogs like ours is their use of a technology called RSS.
RSS is an acronym for: Really Simple Syndication. Think of it like getting a subscription to a newspaper. Everyday the news is delivered to your front step for reading at your convenience. You don’t have to walk to the newsstand to pick up the latest copy. Only, this delivery service is free!
When you subscribe to our RSS feed, you get access to our posts as they come out. Instead of having to visit the site to check for an update, you get instant access through an RSS feed reader and you can choose any variety of RSS feed readers. We like GoogleReader since we’re already addicted to Gmail but there are handful of other options out there like Reeder, NetNewsWire, Bloglines and MyYahoo. It can’t get much better than that! Or can it…
We’re now proud to provide two easy ways to get all of these benefits of a subscription. You are welcome to subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking right here. But if you’re an email junkie like the rest of us and would like our posts to be emailed to you, just fill out the form below. Then, whenever there is a new post available on the blog, you’ll get access to it right in your email! Every recipe, every featured chef and every bit of strawberry news, right at your fingertips! Delivered fresh throughout the week, every week.
Strawberries in your inbox at the click of a button! No, it’s not the delicious red fruit gems you love, but it is one step closer!