Meet Robin Wilson. She is the woman behind the fabulous food blog, Simply Southern Baking.
It was just a few years ago that Robin first discovered food blogs. She started thinking of starting her own since she had so many recipe ideas floating around in her head. After following some other food blogs for several months, and quite a bit of planning, Simply Southern Baking made its debut last summer.
Simply Southern Baking brings all my food passions together – sharing recipes, talking about food, adventures, traditions and memories. My recipes are simple, no-fuss and family-friendly. In addition to recipes made from scratch, I sometimes use mixes and other convenience products to speed things up.
Some of the out-of-the-kitchen adventures in my blog include trips to an apple festival in North Carolina, the annual gingerbread house display at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina and a food blogging conference at Walt Disney World in Orlando.
Robin switched from frozen to fresh strawberries in her recipe for Fudgy Florida Strawberry Brownie Nachos and it’s made all the difference. It’s a family favorite. Be sure to serve this dessert right away. It doesn’t hold well. Don’t worry, it’ll be gone in no time. Florida strawberries, brownies and hot fudge…what could be better?
She enjoys creating her own original recipes as well as tweaking recipes from her extensive cookbook and recipe collection.
Sometimes I get inspiration for new recipes by going through my collection and combining ingredients from different recipes to create something unique. At other times, recipe ideas just pop into my head.
Her goal is to write a cookbook filled with sweet, rather than savory recipes.
Robin is no stranger to national cooking contests either. She was a finalist three times in the Pillsbury Bake-Off and twice in the Mix it Up! With Betty Cookie Mix Contest.
You can follow Robin on Twitter, enjoy her wonderful Pinterest boards, like her Facebook page and of course, enjoy all the delicious posts over at Simply Southern Baking.