Promoting New Crop of Florida Strawberries

//Promoting New Crop of Florida Strawberries

Florida Strawberry Growers Association promoting new crop of fresh Florida strawberries December through March

We are the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World, dominating the market of fresh strawberries during the winter months. Florida is the domestic producer for East Coast markets, competing with increased imports of Mexican strawberries during the same season. As the “local” supplier, our berries travel fewer miles, which translates to fresher, tastier berries for consumers.

Florida Fields PreppedWe are expanding the strawberry research acreage this year. The new field behind the FSGA offices will showcase new advances in the industry, and tours of the facility will feature a working strawberry field and visit with a strawberry farmer to learn first-hand what it takes to grow strawberries today verses how it was done years ago by past generations.

While costs to grow strawberries continue to rise for the farmer, the retail market is very resistant to rising prices. Fortunately, strawberries are a popular consumer indulgence with incredible health benefits and versatility of utilization.

Despite the economic downturn, strawberries have increased in both sales and tonnage at retail. Our farmers are increasing acreage to continue to supply our flavorful fruit during the winter months, and we are optimistic that the popularity of strawberries will continue to grow.

With the increase in acreage this year, and barring any weather disasters, Florida farmers predict they’ll have good supplies of the world’s best strawberries from Christmas through March.

The season is off to a great start. The farmers prepare the land in August and plant from late September through mid-October. Approximately 20,000 plants per acre are all planted by hand! Which means fresh Florida strawberries at Thanksgiving!

The industry will plant more than 12,000 acres of berries this season, which make us the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World. Our industry is committed to providing customers with the safest, best quality and most delicious tasting berries on the market.
