Federal health officials are tossing out the food pyramid and replacing it with a plate. The Food Guide Pyramid was introduced in 1992 and replaced in 2005 by My-Pyramid. Officials say the pyramid was too confusing. The new plate is designed to educate people about the government’s latest dietary guidelines.
It is broken into four parts; grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.
Beside the plate is a small circle for dairy. There’s no room at all for fats or sweets. Stay tuned for the official release of “the plate”, but we’ve heard that one-half of the plate will be made up of fruits and vegetables. We’re delighted.
So…while we’re preparing our fields and farms in anticipation of the 2011-2012 Florida strawberry season, you can get ready too. Scour the recipe section of our blog for great recipes that will fit in with the new guidelines. Salads with fresh strawberries tossed in are bound to be a popular choice.
Related articles
- Nutrition Plate Unveiled to Replace the Food Pyramid (nytimes.com)
- How Healthy Kids Challenge Aligns with USDA MyPlate (healthykidschallenge.wordpress.com)
- Food pyramid is out, MyPlate is in (sfgate.com)