The 31st annual Agritech runs August 12-14, 2013 at the John R. Trinkle Building in Plant City, FL.
The 31st annual Agritech is hosted by the Florida Strawberry Growers Association.
As a vendor you will meet with growers and industry representatives, and enjoy great food. There are 50 booths available on a first-come first-serve basis. To exhibit, Associate membership is required. Gold Associate members get a free booth with membership. This is one event of the year where we have almost 90 percent of the industry in one room.
Click here to download the 2013 Agritech registration form. Online registration coming soon.
This year’s theme is Hunting. Ribbons will be given out to the top three booths that participate in the theme by decorating their booth.
New this year is a Clay Shoot and dinner on Monday night. After the exhibitors set up at Agritech we head to the Fish Hawk Sporting Clays in Lithia for a fun event!
Agritech guest speakers and sessions are currently being lined up. Topics will include food safety, immigration, fumigant alternatives, trace back, and labor issues along with the latest information on research and technology.